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Andere geleedpotigen
De Nederlandse Watermijten
De Nederlandse aaskevers (Silphidae)
De Nederlandse slakkendoders (Sciomyzidae)
Diverse Orden
De schietmotten van de Benelux (Trichoptera)
De haften van de Benelux (Ephemeroptera)
Wantsen en Cicaden
Les Delphacidae de France vol. 1 + 2 samen
Hymenopteres spheciformes d’Europe vol. 1
Hymenopteres spheciformes d’Europe vol. 2
Hymenopteres spheciformes d’Europe vol. 3
Criquets de France (Caelifera) vol. 1 a + b
Vespidae solitaires de France métropolitaine
Fleas – Siphonaptera
A key to the families of British Beetles
Illustrated key to the British False Scorpions
Keys to the families of British Spiders
Sawflies – a key to the adults
A Key to the Woodlice (pissebedden)
A key to the adults of British lacewings and their allies